“This is not just a course. It's an incubator to help launch your business”
Before, I was accepting whichever clients happened to call, without any process, and I was definitely undercharging for my services. Now, I have much more direction. I’m raising my rates, sending out contracts, and asking for deposits. I'm working on figuring out which types of jobs/clients I want to be working for (and which I don't). I'm also developing more confidence in reaching out to new clients.
CopyTribe propelled me from a scattered, shooting-in-the-dark, part-time freelancer to the owner of a bez"H growing business. That change in mindset alone was worth it!
Did I make my money back? It took only 3 months — and I participated in the course twice. From direct referrals through CopyTribers alone, I earned back nearly the full amount. And from gaining the confidence to raise my rates and reach out to new kinds of clients, I've more than made it back.
I would recommend this course to anyone.

— Gila Arnold, The Storyseller Copywriter

“I’d spent over $7,000 on courses. CopyTribe was the ONLY one that propelled me forward”
The ONLY course that propelled my career forward (out of many courses costing upwards of $7,000) was CopyTribe. I was able to get the actionable steps I needed, the confidence (an authority reviewed my work and gave it thumbs up!), the personal direction (like which niche is best for me) plus the leads. It gave me the start that completely launched my business.
Getting critiqued by high-level copywriters, reading and learning from other people’s work — you don’t get that ANYWHERE. I became very close with my accountability partner — we still work on jobs together and refer each other leads.

— Melanie Coffman, melmarketingmagic.com
“So...what will I get in Profitable Freelancer?”
14 value-packed Business Management modules on processes, pricing, marketing, and client management.
AKA every fundamental you need to run a lucrative business
✔ 6 REVIEWED AND SCORED CHALLENGES — including a detailed Marketing Plan
✔ Regular coaching and Q&A from seasoned entrepreneurs so you get answers to your questions (“How do I answer THIS client?!”), targeted guidance that helps you grow, and support from warm, experienced mentors who get it

✔ Lifetime access to our buzzing Slack community where you’ll enjoy eye-opening conversations, warm camaraderie, and invaluable relationships (read: future collaborations) with creatives you come to know and trust

✔ LIFETIME access to all videos + materials + calls so you can review trainings on your
own time (read: it's time to raise your prices...
what's the best way to let clients know again?)

✔ PF certification badge, with completion of 3/6 challenges

✔ The Email Agreement Template, so you can set expectations + define scope within a short, uncomplicated email

✔ The Complete Client Discovery Questionnaire that Michal's team uses to get the information they need to write high-converting copy — without pulling teeth or spending hours on the phone
(sells for: $97)
✔ The Condensed Client Discovery Questionnaire (for smaller projects)

✔ The Comprehensive Freelancer Contract we've spent 5+ years refining — with ALL the terms & clauses that will protect you (so you don’t have to learn through *pricey* mistakes and weeks of grief)
(Sells for: $195)

✔ The Ultimate Proposal Template to create proposals that impress & convert. With detailed descriptions of the 8 must-have sections (plus specific samples), you won't omit anything that your client expects. So you can create a winning proposal, even if
it's your first
(Sells for: $97)
✔ The Ultimate Pricing Guide for Copywriters, with clear pricing direction for 105 common copy types (AKA the encyclopedic guide to freelance copywriter rates — trusted by 970+ copywriters worldwide)
(Sells for: $197)

✔ 3 LIVE Bonus Masterclasses from experts
on mindset, differentiation, and client attraction.

✔ Complete vault of 9 past masterclasses from business experts including
Elisheva Perlman, David Fryman, Yoel Judowitz, Abbey Woodcock, Dov Gordon, Rachel Fakheri, Amy Posner, Laura Lopuch, Wendy Maynard

✔ 8 go-to cheatsheets you’ll pull out again and again. Get short, skimmable summaries of the core points of key modules so you can refer to them whenever you need

✔ The Complete Guide to Best Freelancer Apps, so you can set up your business with the apps loved by countless other freelancers like you
“So...what will I get in CopyTribe 4.0?”
Brace yo’self...it’s a LOT.
✔ One LIVE meet-and-greet group call to get cozy and comfortable (before we all start tearing each other's work apart...and becoming BFFs)

✔ Nine CONTENT-PACKED Craft of Copywriting Modules that will turn you from "writer" to "profit-generator"... and serve as the foundation of any copywriting you’ll ever do
(Value: $4500)
✔ Eight FUNDAMENTAL Marketing, Pricing, Business & Client Modules you must know by heart if you plan on doing any kind of (profitable) freelance work in this lifetime
(Value: $3600)

✔ Eight make-it-real challenges, carefully notated and scored by handpicked pros — so your knowledge goes from “theoretical” to “practical” (and you build an A-list portfolio too)
(Value: $2800)
✔ Lifetime access to all videos + recordings, so you can review trainings on your own time (read: SUPER relevant client project just materialized, and you need a refresher asap)
(Value: $1500)

✔ Visual-heavy slide decks from all trainings, so if you need to review any of the modules in 2 or 3 years’ time, you've got everything you need, clearly laid out + easy to find
(Value: $1200)
✔ Detailed peer reviews of your work from talented writers like you (on top of the designated challenges), so you get clear, specific feedback on what you’re doing right — and where you can improve
(Value: $499)

✔ The Comprehensive Copywriter Contract We've spent 4+ years refining — with ALL the terms & clauses that will protect you (so you don’t have to learn through *pricey* mistakes and weeks of grief)
(Value: $195)
✔ Exclusive access to our buzzing Slack community so you enjoy eye-opening conversations, warm camaraderie, and invaluable relationships (read: future collaborations) with copywriters & designers you come to know and trust
(Value: $3000)

✔ Regular Office Hours from experts so you get your questions answered (“How do I answer THIS client?!”), exceptional guidance as you figure it all out (“Am I applying this formula correctly?”), and support from warm, experienced mentors who get it
(Value: $2400)
✔ THE ULTIMATE Copywriter’s Pricing Guide with clear pricing and guidelines for 26 core copy types — to save you the agony of second-guessing every quote, and make sure you’re earning every dollar your work is worth.
(Value: $99)

“It saved me 3-4 years of heartache”
This course is worth every penny!!!
I thought many times before taking the plunge — I thought I'd be able to go it alone, work it out myself. Now that I've taken it, I can see it would've taken me 3-4 years at least to gain that big-picture, solid understanding. CopyTribe saves me heartache every day — I know I'm doing it right. No more second-guessing!
— Chani Pollins

“CopyTribe doesn’t make you a good writer. It makes you a confident marketer”
Not only does CopyTribe teach you about the different elements of copy and how to write each one, but you also get this deep and holistic understanding of marketing in general. So you’re more than a good writer; you’re a great marketer, with the tools to write compelling copy and the confidence to accept jobs. Thanks to everything I learned, I’ve been able to really accelerate the growth of my fundraising and PR business.
Plus, I got to know other copywriters just like me in Slack and even better — work with them. I’ve already collaborated with another CopyTribe member on multiple projects.
I would definitely recommend this course to anyone considering a career in copywriting.
— R’ Shmuel Kamenetzky, Fundraising Consultant

“Almost surpassed my full-time earnings”
I was recently able to price my services based on my expertise and actually land a client willing to pay for that expertise! I realized I was underpricing my skills significantly. That mindset shift alone was worth every penny!
As I prepare to celebrate my first anniversary as a full-time freelancer, I'm excited to say this year's earnings will come close to surpassing my full-time earnings from last year, and I'm not working 40+ hours a week.
— Amanda Tower, Owner + Copywriter, Electric Blue Digital

“I have a lot more tools. I'm bringing more value to my clients — and that shows in every interaction”
Before, I was starting to get bigger projects with the types of clients I wanted, but didn't know how to handle it, both in terms of actual skill, the workflow, and organizing my business. I was lacking the "formal training" and the confidence that comes along with it.
Now, there is a structure to everything and I know the rules. The people, support, and new relationships were game-changers. I have a lot more tools and am bringing more value to my clients — and that shows in every interaction.
— Rachel Fakheri, CEO

“Amazing clarity + business mindset — I’m a fan!”
I’ve been in business for 12 years already — I’m no newbie — and I still say: Michal’s courses are worth every penny, for the amazing clarity and business mindset they provide. Thanks Michal — I’m a real fan!
— Shia Teichman, CEO

“This is not a course. It's an incubator to help launch your business”
Before, I was accepting whichever clients happened to call, without any process, and I was definitely undercharging for my services. Now, I have much more direction. I’m raising my rates, sending out contracts, and asking for deposits. I'm working on figuring out which types of jobs/clients I want to be working for (and which I don't). I'm also developing more confidence in reaching out to new clients.
This program propelled me from a scattered, shooting-in-the-dark, part-time freelancer to the owner of a growing business. That change in mindset alone was worth it!
— Gila Arnold, The Storyseller Copywriter

“I know it's something I'll keep going back to again and again”
I can't recommend this course enough! The classes were value packed with practical and brilliant content. My processes are already smoother, plus I have direction on how to improve my freelance business.
I'm so glad that we get lifetime access, I know it's something I'll keep going back to again and again, taking what I learn a step further each time.
— Chumie Friedman, Designer